
Sunday, April 28, 2013


I take inspiration all around, and see things often that inspire me to find out more about them, or cause me to wonder why I never noticed them in the first place. Almost daily, I am inspired to create, and, even more so, things that change my ideas about fashion. In the last few years, fashion (particularly alternative fashion) have become a passion of mine as I see more and more how creative people are and how beautiful it is to be different from everyone else. One thing I love about alternative fashion in particular is that not everyone is going to like it, but that's okay, because it's your art. Just as a painter paints on canvas, and a musician makes music, someone can create a work of art using his or her own appearance. It also celebrates that no matter what you look like, you can still be glamorous, creative, and lovely just by being unique. Of course everyone is absolutely beautiful, but it's more about how you feel inside. If I love what I wear and how I present myself, I will feel beautiful and confident. Here are some things that have made me feel inspired one way or another this week, in fashion or otherwise:

(Source: wanderlust-paradise07.tumblr.com)

(Source: tokyofashion.com)

(Source: weheartit.com)

(Source: weheartit.com)

(Source: moon-of-mine.tumblr.com)

(Source: prettypinkpage.tumblr.com)

(Sourice: tokyofashion.com)
**PS - If you like this one, you should take a look at the whole photoset here

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lately, I'm liking...

From the taobao shop Shirley Deer (shirleydeer.taobao.com)

I love this because it's elegant, not too childish, and winter-friendly. It would be a lovely snowy photo shoot choice. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. It's priced at 486 yuan, which is a little over 78 USD. Not cheap by any means, but not priced any less than it is worth (especially when you consider its weight and that it IS a winter coat). My favourite thing about it: as a future teacher, I could still wear it - even when going to work! Score!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Busy, busy...

My life has taken a 180 degree turn over the past few weeks! I went from sitting around at home watching Netflix all day to working overtime every week between two jobs. On top of that, hubby-to-be and I are in the process of finding an apartment for the fall. We're having to do this online since we can't make the trip down to Iowa! Although we won't be moving until August, a lot of the apartments in the area are already spoken for, so we're going to have to find one soon.
This coming weekend, we will be heading to Kansas to visit my family and get some things done for the wedding, including our wedding shower, which we're very excited for! We're getting married two months from today - the time has really flown by :)
Between working so much and trying to figure out the future, there hasn't been time for much else. The trip will be an awesome break!